Roles in NOYA

Roles in NOYA are defined at the vault level. So it can have the flexibility to have different types of owners.


This is a timelock smart contract that is responsible for changing the addresses of others. This roles is going to be eventually decentralized through the Noya Governance but for now noya team will handle it.


This smart contract is in charge of adding a new vault, adding trusted tokens for that vault, and adding trusted positions to the registry. This is also a timelock contract (with 14 days lock). This roles is going to be eventually decentralized through the Noya Governance but for now noya team will handle it.

Keeper contract:

This is the smart contract that manages execution of the strategies. It’s a multisig contract. Strategy managers can submit their transactions into IPFS in an encrypted way and the keepers will decrypt and execute it. We are in development of a ZK rollup to handle this role but for now a group of selected parties will handle this role.


This smart contract is responsible to make sure the execution of noya is going on correctly. If there is any misbehaving (like price manipulation or any suspicious actions from the keepers) the watchers and undo the action. This role will eventually be decentralized through the monitoring system of NOYA but for now NOYA team is managing this role.


This address is also a cold wallet that is going to be used in situations that a position is stuck or another role of noya is compromised. This role is managed by NOYA team.

Last updated