Space Race Disclaimer

Neural Blox Labs (NOYA NETWORK) - Space Race Points Program Disclaimer

1. Comprehensive Risk Acknowledgment:

Participants acknowledge the inherent risks associated with the cryptocurrency and DeFi markets, including but not limited to market volatility, regulatory uncertainty, security threats, and the potential for scams and fraud. Participation in the Space Race Points Program is a decision that should be made with full understanding of these risks.

2. No Guarantee of Outcomes:

Neural Blox Labs does not offer any promises or guarantees regarding the outcomes of participation in the Space Race Points Program. The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, legal, or investment advice.

3. Legal and Tax Responsibility:

Participants are solely responsible for understanding and adhering to the laws and regulations of their jurisdiction, including tax implications, related to their participation in the Space Race Points Program.

4. Security and Due Diligence:

While Neural Blox Labs prioritizes security, the digital nature of the program means that participants should exercise caution, protect their credentials, and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging in any activities.

5. Limited Consumer Protections:

The cryptocurrency and DeFi markets typically lack the consumer protections found in traditional financial systems. Participants engage at their own risk and are encouraged to take measures to safeguard their investments.

6. Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Changes:

Participants should regularly review Neural Blox Labs' Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. The company reserves the right to modify, update, or discontinue any aspect of its services, products, or offerings without prior notice.

7. Specific Risks - Depegging, Bridging, and Sybil Attacks:

Participants should be aware of the risks associated with depegging, bridging in DeFi, and the prohibition of Sybil attacks or any other unfair practices. These can include sudden loss of value, technical issues, and potential account suspension or exclusion from the program at the end of the Space Race.

8. No Reliance on Neural Blox Labs:

Participants should not rely solely on Neural Blox Labs for the success of their investments. It's the participant's responsibility to engage with the program fully informed and based on their own due diligence.

9. No Recommendation or Solicitation:

Neural Blox Labs does not provide any recommendation or solicitation in respect of participation in the Space Race Points Program. The decision to participate and the consequences thereof are solely the responsibility of the participant.

10. Intellectual Property and Eligibility:

Participants must respect the intellectual property rights of Neural Blox Labs and provide accurate information for participation. The company reserves the right to verify participant identity and eligibility and to disqualify any participant for violation of program rules or inappropriate behavior.

11. Liability and Indemnification:

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Neural Blox Labs shall not be liable for any claims, losses, damages, or other liabilities arising from participation in the Space Race Points Program or the protocol. Participants agree to indemnify and hold Neural Blox Labs harmless from any third-party claims resulting from violating the terms and conditions and/or potential losses.

12. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

This disclaimer and the participation in the Space Race Points Program shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which Neural Blox Labs operates. Disputes arising shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that jurisdiction.

Read the below: Risk and Warning

Last updated